The Learning Journey

The Learning Journey

Babies and Toddlers

A child’s first two years are critical for the development of the brain and for language development. During this period, the child’s life experience plays a fundamental role in the development of the brain, laying the foundation for all intellectual and emotional development to follow.

Twos to Threes

We provide the manageable challenges and relaxed environment that two to three year olds need. Staff understand the frequent changes in moods, interests, and capabilities and provide calm, consistent care and supportive teaching.

A child’s third year is a time of huge change: the experience is similar to adolescence in that it is transitional. In the same way that adolescence stands between childhood and adulthood, two year-olds are moving from the total dependence of babyhood to the more independent, mobile world of preschoolers. At this age children are exploring their powers to communicate, to move purposely, to assert their independence and individuality, and to control their important bodily functions.

Preschool Children

As children move out of toddlerhood and into the independence of the pre-school years the programme for learning develops into a more structured pace of meaningful and purposeful learning, where children are encouraged to approach the world with curiosity and with a positive disposition to learn. At this stage children need confidence and the skills and desire to think for themselves, to solve problems, to work with others, to communicate, and to gain an increasing understanding of the world and how it works.

The Crystal Nursery programme for learning is designed to lay the pedagogical foundations that prepare every child to:

* Approach the world with curiosity and the knowledge and skills that lead to success in maths and science: a growing interest in the properties of things and the relationships and forces that exist in the natural world.

* Be ready to read: confidently equipped with the desire, vocabulary, and language-deciphering skills they have developed through experiences that are meaningful to them.

* Use their social skills to perform in a school classroom: listening skills, self-discipline, patience, and discipline for the task, ability to work with others, and ability to solve problems.

Our Pre-school programme for learning builds on the children’s knowledge and skill base, learning style, and interests. Through a rich variety of projects children investigate the fascinating world in which they live, which enhances the development of emerging knowledge and skills.

A balance of child-initiated and adult-planned guided learning across key areas of learning are provided for throughout the day.

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